Interview mit Roxanne über ihre Erfahrungen beim Einführungsseminar in die tantrische Berührungskunst
Du warst im September ganz spontan bei unserem Einführungsseminar in die Tantrische Berührungskunst dabei. Was war das, was dich am meisten berührt hat?
When I arrived on my first morning in the course, I came with mixed feelings of excitement (of stepping into something new) and also fears of being triggered by what would happen during this seminar..
I was really touched and surprised by how quickly and softly I was welcomed by the group. The openness of the group made me feel at ease very quickly.
What imprinted me the most during this course was the sensation of being held by Barbara, Dieter, the assistants and the group. It felt like a spontaneous family for the weekend we spent together. We were so close so quickly. The connection we had all together was very special. Being in our purest, deepest, rawest vulnerability and humanity.
We went on a deep and intimate journey together, and this created very special bonds in between all of us.
I can say that I’ve experienced many things during this course.. I felt shame, sadness, bliss, pleasure, .. A wide spectrum of emotions and memories came up for me. It was such a beautiful experience, that the feeling of it stayed with me even for some days after the end of the course. It was as if I was riding on a soft and blissful pink cloud.
Wirkt diese Erfahrung in deinem Alltag nach und wenn ja, in welcher Form?
What this experience brought me in my day to day life is a deeper connection to my heart, my body, my life force energy.
It also opened a door, a different way on how I relate to others, when masculine and feminine energy are at hand.
How I use the tantric wisdom in my daily life now is in the way how I connect to other human beings: through authenticity and the way of the heart, an open heart.
Für dich war die Tantrische Berührungskunst nicht ganz neu. An welchen Erfahrungen konntest du anknüpfen und hast du auch Neues entdeckt?
Before this course, I had a few tantric massage experiences: I had already received yoni and full body massage by female practicioners, and also regular yoni massage from my ex-partner.
What was new to me this time, was to practice the tantric massage with a male partner that I did not know (which was not a lover..) so this felt very scary for me at the start of the course.. not knowing to whom I will be giving a full naked body massage.. and from who I would receive one. So there I can say that it was very challenging for me to step into the course with this idea.. but as soon as I got paired with a male partner, he was so gentle and friendly that my fears disappeared.
Menschen, welche an der Tantrischen Berührungskunst interessiert sind, haben oft die Frage, welche Menschen ein solches Seminar besuchen. Wie würdest du die Teilnehmenden beschreiben und wie fühltest du dich mit ihnen?
As I said at the beginning, I was really touched by the energy of the group, which was so eclectic (different type of people.. gathered in the same intention.. a deeper connection to oneself and the other). I was the youngest of the group, but at some point the difference of age did not matter anymore. I was just feeling and seeing human beings with different body shapes, authentic souls with pure intentions.
Würdest du anderen Menschen empfehlen diese Berührungskunst kennenzulernen und wenn ja warum?
I would recommend this Body Art Massage to anyone who feels like connecting to their inner source, to the sacredness of their body and life force energy.
To anyone who wants to let go of shame, fears, tabous, and misconceptions about sexuality and intimacy.
It is the purest and most beautiful knowledge for us to remember on how to connect to ourselves and the others.
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